dog health and dog food tips

Five Dog food treats which may be very dangerous to your dog. Here are few selected threatening dog food dangers for ones puppy or dog which the dog owner need to be careful with and avoid the dog getting into contact with them or not allow the dog to consume such halloween dangers.
1) Treats or halloween like chocolate candies is very poisonous and dangerously toxic to the dog generally

Do not allow your dog to eat or consume Halloween chocolate or candy. Chocolate candies are potentially toxic and harmful to dogs and tin foil and waterproof or cellophane products can be very unsafe if swallowed and consumed or eaten by dog through any means. Always cover your child's stash and make sure it is kept out of reach for the dog or the puppy who may have the higher tendencies to start playing with such child's stash.
2) Be very cautious with candle wax and candles generally whenever the dog is around you or the dog is moving towards the candle stand or stead.Occasionally the dogs or the puppuy's wagging tailmay likely knock over a candle stand causing fire outbreak or similar domestic fire related accident. Consider using a no flame, no mess option to light up your table lamp.

3) Cables, wires including electric wires including cords might wound the lovely dog, your pet.
Always pay detailed attention to safely seal all Cables, wires including electric wires and cords from reading lights and props. Chewing on cords could cause cuts, burns or possibly death-causingelectrical shock.

4) Alarm bells may likely be very frightening for your puppy or dog
All but the most social dogs can be kept back away from the entry doors throughout peak trick-or-treat hours. All those first time visitors constantly pressing on the door bell can be very scary and distressing.

5) Always remember to be keeping your dogs owner id tag or belt hanging

Every so often domestic or external accidents may occur and while you are recurrently opening the doors for trick-or-treaters your puppy or your dog may possibly make a run for it. The properly hanging or placed dog owner identification tag or the dog ID tag may likely be a the life saving object.