dog paper training method

Understanding and How to Know More about Dog Paper Training method

Dog paper training is a type of dog house training method. It involves the process of house training your puppy (puppies) or dog (dogs) in order to map out designated places for the dog or puppy to pee, urinate or remove by-products of metabolism especially excreta (stool) or poop-poop. While carrying out the house dog paper training method or process, you, the dog owner or the certified/licensed dog trainer shows the dog a mapped out place or places, for example, a neatly spread out newspapers where the dog should go out and poop-poop which you have to fold up neatly later on and discard it or dispose it through burying in the ground or depositing in the dog incinerators.


The newspapers used in dog paper training will be better if they are (the papers) are absorbent, cheap, readily available, easy to get and use as well as affordable. The practice of dog paper training method will mostly work best especially when the dog owner or the dog trainer is not usually at home or in the house for a very long time like the long hours spent in offices, workplaces and during shopping.  As a dog owner or dog trainer, you have to know that it is always very hard, difficult and challenging for a dog or a puppy to hold and control their urinary bladder for longer time durations. Owing to this, dog paper training method or paper training for puppies might be the most desirable option for excellent result in your house training method for your dog and puppies. 

Apart from the method of dog paper training and puppies, there are other numerous and available options of dog training methods. There are two other possible and easy ways of dog training in the house for every dog owner as well as dog trainers. The method of dog paper training is one of the dog training methods I mentioned above whereas the second other method of dog training is the crate training or what some people may call the crater dog training method. These two dog training methods mentioned above are effective, efficient, very smart, easy as well as brief approaches towards dog house training for everyone and all dog owners. The dog training method of Crate or crater dog training method is one of the dog behavior solutions that stops or prohibits a dog from moving from one place to another place especially if the dog cannot be under supervision. 

The dog or puppy is normally put in a small cubicle called kennel or crate, which is specifically designed and built for the dog as the dog house. There is a technical difference between the crate or crater method of dog training and the dog paper training method. Crater or crate/kennel method of dog training is just a way of teaching a dog to only go outdoors or outside at the appropriate time while the method of dog paper training is the act of training the dog to only go on papers and pass out excreta as and at when due.

These two dog behavior solutions are equally limited or somehow fashionable. You can not train your puppy or dog to do together the two as outlined. This will confuse the dog and even make the dog training process very long with poor outcome or positive result. It is always easier to pick one dog behavior solutions and stick to it steadily. Well, several people may disagree that there are dog breeds that are able to do both methods of dog training at the similar times of dog training. There could be, but then it will be more boring for you as the dog trainer and the dog as well.
Both of these dog behavior solutions are efficient. The majority of dog trainers believe that crate dog training is the quickest way of dog training, but one has to put in a lot of time and sweat. This might not be the choice for many who desire to know how to house train a dog. Greater part will go for the dog training method that does not oblige much of their time and endeavor. That is why they will rather study how to paper train a puppy than create training of a dog. Paper training dogs has always been the choice of a lot of dog owners and trainers of dog and puppy.

The method of dog paper training can be the best option for the dog owner or the dog trainer if; you inhabit a flat of your own where the dog may not have free and easy access to an open yard or open compound space. Also, dog paper training method can as well be very good for you especially if you have a time demanding career or job which does not allow you adequate free time period that you can spend on crate training your dog. It is pretty hard for you to take your dog outside because of sick or elderly people who may be living around your place of residence where you mostly train your dog. This may probably be a good reason why you should adopt the method of dog paper training as well as paper training for puppies and not crate, kennel or crater dog training method. 

There are some other things that you have to do as you train the dog or the puppies. You should always give the dog or the puppies some exciting praises and also give her some treats, and goodies each time the dog does correctly what you have just taught her to do especially after eliminating on the paper or making use of the clearly mapped out newspaper for passing out excreta. 

You the dog owner or the dog trainer must compulsorily and adequately feed the dog or the puppies as and at when due. This is part of the positive reinforcement method of dog training.